Glue gun (only use with supervision of an adult and follow instructions)
Craft pumpkin
Assorted Halloween Ribbons (cut to size- start at the pumpkin stem and measure around under the pumpkin up to the stem on the opposite side. Use this ribbon to measure and cut all the other ribbons you may use before starting the activity)
Start by squeezing a small glue blob on the top of one side of the pumpkins stem
Pick up one end of the ribbon and place that end of the ribbon on the glue and gently press
Gently wrap the ribbon under all the way around the pumpkin until it reaches the opposite side of the pumpkin stem
Squeeze another dab of hot glue at this ending spot and press the other end of the ribbon down gently
5. Continue steps above steps gluing more ribbons in different spots starting and
ending at the stem until you have as many glued as you like
6. Make a bow of any type and glue up against one side of the stem
7. You will finish with a perfect table, window, etc. decoration

Sensory Benefits
Motor planning
Proprioception control
Bilateral work
fine motor skills
Measuring and preparation
Cooperation with another as needed
Quick/fun activity