Garden rocks
Iridescent Glitter Glue
Acrylic Paint
Assorted sized Paint Brushes (we used triangle grip brushes-use whatever is best for your child)
Mod Podge
To enhance sequencing, have written/picture directions for the child to follow
Search for appropriate rocks (or they can be purchased)
Wash and dry all the rocks
Make a heart on each rock with the glitter glue. When dry, it will give a good tactile boundary
5. Next, have the child hold the rock in their non-dominant hand or stabilize the rock on a flat surface with their non-dominant hand to paint the first coat inside the boundaries.
Use positioning that is sensory significant to the child (standing, sitting, kneeling, prone, wiggle cushion, etc.)
When the first coat dries, paint a second coat and allow to dry
Next, have the child use the larger brush to paint the Mod Podge covering the rock to seal the heart
Wait till it dries and then give as a gift or use in many activities! HAVE FUN
Give as a paper weight
Give just as a token of Love
Use in a scavenger hunt
Use in a Valentine obstacle course
Play hop scotch outside
Play tic-tac-toe
Sensory Benefits
Visual motor
Grip skills
Crossing midline
Motor planning
Positive Emotions